The performing by a debtor of some act or service which is accepted by the creditor in full settlement, so that the debtor can no longer be sued. 债务人履行某种行为或作某种服务,债权人同意以此全部了结欠他的债务,这样债务人不再会被起诉。
The branch administrations shall, after checking and finding nothing in doubt, return to the member the full foreign currency settlement funds including the guarantee. 分局在账务核对无误后将全额退还该会员包括清算保证金在内的外币清算资金。
We will make a remittance within a week in full settlement of our purchase of the goods contracted. 我方合约所订购指货物的款项,将于一周内汇款全额结清。
Compensation for loss should apply to the principle of in full settlement except punitive principle. 损害赔偿应适用全部赔偿原则,而不应适用惩罚性赔偿原则。
Since entering into WTO, China actively participate in and take advantage of WTO dispute settlement mechanism, however, there are still many shortages in making full use of WTO dispute settlement mechanism to safeguard its interests. 入世以来,我国积极参与并利用WTO争端解决机制,但在充分利用WTO争端解决机制以维护我国利益方面还有很大不足。
There are six modules in the system, including account management of full life cycle, fund budget of flexible management, multiple tiers cash pool management, direct settlement platform, financing management and decision making analysis. 在功能上主要分为六个模块:全生命周期的账户管理、灵活控制的资金预算、多层次的现金池管理、直通式的结算平台、融资管理和和决策支持分析。
In a claim dispute settlement, we have to give full consideration not only to claimable items and the claim amount, but also the dispute settlement cost, to improve claim efficiency and maximize benefits. 在解决索赔争议的过程中,既要充分考虑哪些是可索赔项目和索赔额的多少,还要考虑解决争议所需成本的大小,要提高索赔工作额效率,达到效益最大化的目的。
In modern society, the mode of litigation has its unique advantages in resolving environmental disputes, but the limitation is also obvious if only depend on it. So, there is great significance and value to study and make full use of environmental dispute settlement of non-litigation. 在现代社会,利用诉讼模式解决环境纠纷自有其独特的优势,但单纯依凭诉讼模式,其局限性也是显而易见的,因此研究并充分利用环境纠纷非讼解决模式具有重要的意义和价值。
The victim-offender-reconciliation needs mediators who are skilled in law, have a full knowledge of the social situation and public opinions, well-trained and who are fair in dispute settlement. 刑事和解需要精通法律、知晓社情民意、训练有素的调解人,需要公正公平进行和解的调解人。
In addition, with the full implementation of harmonious socialist society, the essential features of a harmonious society are closely related to the establishment of administrative disputes resolution mechanism, and the settlement of administrative disputes has become the central task for courts in administrative litigation. 加之,随着社会主义和谐社会的深入开展,和谐社会的基本特征与行政纠纷解决机制的建立密切相关,以和解的方式解决行政争议,己成为法院行政诉讼工作的中心任务。
As criminal settlement system in our country is still on the way to full improvement, all kinds of drawbacks appearing are worth summarizing and improving. The improvement of the criminal settlement system is a systematic project, which can not limit to the review and the arrest. 刑事和解制度由于在我国涉世未深,因水土不服而引发的种种弊端都值得总结和改进,刑事和解制度的改进是一个系统工程,不能仅拘泥于审查批捕环节。